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anglais en FLE

31 janvier 2007

Daily routine

My daily routine

            I get up at a

quarter to seven

, I take a shower, I dress up and I fix up the breakfast.

I get up the children and we have breakfast all together (the children, my husband and me).

            I drive to school. I teach during the morning and afternoon classes. During lunch time, I eat with my colleagues and talk together or I go shopping or I have my English class (once a week).

            I come back home around

five o’clock

. I get a little snack with my children and I catch up with my sons’ school life. I prepare my class for tomorrow, I’m available for my children if they need me for their homework and I fix up the dinner without forgetting doing some cleaning or ironing ! Sometimes, I call a friend to listen for her.


seven thirty

we listen to the news and after we have our dinner. At dinner we discuss what happened during the day. After we put the dishes in the dish washer and I clean the kitchen. It’s already or when the children are in bed. Then I have some time to watch the TV or to read a book. I usually manage to go to bed around .

29 janvier 2007

Present Continuous


            I’m at the train station waiting for the arrival of my pen friend. Passengers are carrying heavy luggage and bags containing skis or surf.

A beggar is asking for money. Dogs, standing behind him, are barking. They’re loosing patience of not having something to eat.

Couples are kissing each others before being separated. Children are running around without listening to what their parents were telling them.

The speaker from the information desk is announcing the arrival of different train. I’m feeling cold.

Fortunately, my pen’s friend train arrived. He is in front of me. We’re living the train station.

28 janvier 2007

C'est le debut: presentation

This is the first time! What a great achievement for me to write a blog!

Hope i will manage to make it alive... See you for more exercises and practices later on...

anglais en FLE